Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Quick Root Fix

Hey Ladies (and men),

I was checking out the status of my own roots this morning (yes, yes...stylists have nagging roots too) and was struck with an idea to share a not-so-secret root touch up tip with you guys.  I know it can get pretty pricey to make the trip to the salon every six to eight weeks to get your color touched up, so why not do a little maintenance at home to hold you over until your next salon visit?

Oscar Blandi has developed these great little touch up pens that do a fantastic job of temporary cover up in between professional color applications. They make multiple colors, so find the one that's best for you and it's as easy as painting it on! The colors will stay put until you shampoo them out.

Again, this is just a temporary fix but it definitely beats having dark roots on date night. Oh, and did I mention that this pen also works wonders on stubborn greys? If you've got root problems in your life right now, I highly recommend this product. Try it, you won't be sorry!


  1. Great tip! I will definitely try and let you know how everything goes.

  2. Thanks and good luck with the touch ups!
