Monday, July 30, 2012

Bringing Me Joy

Hello Lovelies!

Welcome to my very first blog post and it's right on schedule for Monday morning (for those of you who know me, you know what a feat this actually is; Sarah = 1 vs. Procrastination = 0).  Any how, given that Monday isn't exactly my favorite day of the week, I feel that sharing/affirming some of the things that bring me joy (at least for this week) may help make this Monday even better. I hope this post can be a reoccurring theme each Monday, we'll see.

Coffee is my life, and may very well be my first love (shhh don't tell my husband) especially Douwe Egberts coffee!  This is probably the best cup of coffee I've had in my entire life, so it's no wonder why it tops my list this week of things that are "bringing me joy".  It's my personal belief that no day can be properly started without at least one cup of coffee under your belt and I know there's at least one of you out there that shares my mantra. I hope all of my fellow coffee lovers also find joy in their week with a simple cup of joe; such a small investment for such a large pay out!

Working out is probably number two on this list because it's already done for the day.  It seems that I'm always happiest after the workout, never before or during.  Nothing ever feels as good as finishing a workout and knowing that you don't have to mentally sweat over it until next time! What are your thoughts on this? Does working only bring you joy after the fact or is the whole process listed on your joy-o-meter?

Actually really like this!    I'm not gonna lie, I LOVE the braid trend happening right now; what a great way to break up the monotony of the everyday! Braids are seriously the best way to add a little flavor to your usual style, they're simple enough to wear casually but not so simple that they can't be rocked in a formal environment.

 Chunky Tassel Throw Need I say more? Is there any wonder why these luscious throws are "Bringing Me Joy?" I know we're not in the Fall season yet but these would be perfect for the rainy days that frequent all of us in Florida.  I find nothing more comforting than curling up on the couch with a warm blanket and classic chick flick (Dirty Dancing anyone??) while the rain comes down outside...oh and let's not forgot that warm cup of coffee.

The fifth element (lol this brings Bruce Willis to mind) bringing me joy this week is living simply. By this, I mean finding joy in the little things; the things that may be glossed over and unnoticed.  I have found that my life is a little sweeter when Justin goes out of his way to leave a small note in the pocket of my pants; or when I find exact change in my clutch at the counter; or stumbling upon a great book!
What can I say, it doesn't take much to make me happy. :)

I hope that you enjoy my random thoughts. Now, I would like to know what brings joy to your week or your life!


  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts! You are always so inspiring to me and can light a fire under my butt, from shopping to working out I always feel inspired by you. I will feel like I'm working beside you evertime I read a post from you. Love ya!

  2. Aw thanks Bekki!!!!! I never knew I could be the one inspiring. I definitely miss being behind the chair with you, but I love that we can still stay connected like this. Love you bek, and keep reading because I'm just getting started.
